Thursday, May 7, 2009


Homemade granola, organic maple yogurt, fresh fruit.


  1. Can I have your granola recipe? Pretty please? It looks amazing!

  2. Of course!

    4 c. Rolled oats
    2 c. raw sunflower seeds
    1/2 c. of maple syrup
    1/2 c. of coconut oil
    1/3 c. of grape juice
    1/3 c. of brown sugar
    Mix these ingredients together. Then put them on the pan and cook for 10 minutes at 400 degrees.

    Then take it out of the oven and mix in:
    1 c. of sliced Almonds,
    3/4 c. of coconut flakes

    Put back in the oven, and continue to cook until lightly brown. 10-20 minutes

    Take out of the oven, and let it cool. Then add
    1/3 c. of raisins
    1/3 c. of craisins

    That's it!
